I intentionall lefet out a verse from my last post
post . I felt it was a verse for a new phase which needed to be pondered on. It illustrates those who have moved on from the desperate desire to have their breakthrough and were ready to do what it takes to get their miracle.
Here's the lyrics:
There's a people rising
Their faces shining bright
They'll speak the name of Jesus
As they're walking toward the light
We will seek his power
His presence and his grace
And we won't stop pursuing
'Till we see Him face to face
- Rise up! Be determined to experience that change, be uncomfortable with you present status.
- Speak what you want. Know and clearly define what you want. Don't speak mere words alone back it up with a bible verse. They say talk is cheap, but God's talk ain't cheap, its got power.
- Walk the talk. You've said His word. Act it.
- Now this is the 'koko' (pataki oro). You may forget every other thing but don't forget this. Seek God's presence. In his presence comes the wisdom, power and grace to get your breakthrough.
Seeking His presence is something you'll enjoy. Its like being in the company of a friend and doing all it takes to get to know Him/her. In his presence there are somethings He'll ask of you to do. Things like reading His word, praying, praising and/or listen to his words of wisdom, as the spirit leads.
Sometimes He may lead you just to pray or just keep quiet and wait for Him to speak. What he says I do and one thing I know is, I never come out of His presence without an answer.
The answer could be 'hold on', 'take this measures' its been done. When spending time with Him, He sometimes brings to my consciousness a past or future event, then corrects, advises or prepares me for it. There are things you need to do in the spirit, for a smooth & complete manifestation of your breakthrough.
The set time has come for God to favour you. Indeed, the set time has come. Now is the time to act, Failure to act may make you miss your breakthrough or reduce the vastness of your breakthrough. Rise Up!
This is not just another write up, it is a summary of the principles that have worked for me over the years when I needed major and minor breakthrough, getting into school, jacking up my grades, getting a good job, financial breakthrough and more.
I must add that from my last post, in which I illustrated, I was desperately in need of my own testimonies, I've got "one" testimony and for the rest I'll keep doing my part till it comes through.
I know it will. Cause if He did it before, He'll do it AGAIN!!! watch "Same God" by Tye Tribbett (me and songs sha...)
"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death."
Revelation 12:11
Love You & God Bless You
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