Wednesday 20 November 2013


You’re a tree replanted in Eden , bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom… Psalm 1:3 [MSG]

A question crossed my mind and it’s likely to have crossed yours too- “What does ‘fresh’ and ‘clean’ really mean”? Taking a closer look at the above scripture, Psalm 1 tells us that those who walk in the way of the Lord and keep away from the path of sinners but instead thrill to God’s word, chewing the scripture day and night, are like a tree replanted in Eden bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf and always blooming.

Let’s analyse this scripture a bit. Psalm 1:3 which is our key scripture proclaims 4 things:
1.      You’re like a tree, replanted in Eden-a place seen as been perfect and highly pleasing
2.      You bear fresh fruit
3.      You never drop a leaf
4.      You always blossom

A woman of God once told me that whenever I don’t understand a Bible verse or peradventure someone quotes a verse of the bible to support a statement which is not in line with my line of faith, I should read the verses before and after that verse. It makes the verse clearer. (Food for thought)

So we’ve been promised that in every area of our lives, we’ll be like trees in a perfect land, bearing fresh fruits, never dropping a leaf and we’ll always blossom. A tree that bears fresh fruit can be called fresh, and a tree that never drops a leaf can be termed as clean (Never withering; growth is a constant).  This is a fantastic promise but what does it take to get it.

The preceding verses says that we must
  1.    Work in the way of the Lord.
  2.    Keep away from evil company (remain clean).
  3.    Have intense excitement and pleasure for    God’s word.
  4.    Meditate on the scripture day and night. (replanted in Eden means to replant oneself in the word of God daily).

My belief is if we can desperately desire a fresh and clean life, then going through the steps to get it would be very easy. There is more to an ideal fresh and clean life. I’ll let the lyrics of Mary, Mary’s song titled “God In Me” unfold this mystery.

The God In Me (lyrics slightly remixed)
I just want to tell the truth now
You’re so fly, you’re so high
Everybody running trying to figure out why
You’re so cool; you’re winning all the time
Everywhere you go, men you get a lot of shine
Boy you’re like a magnet, bet I’ve got to have it
Everything you have, people say I’ve got to have it
From the white Suit, to the Gucci, hear the public say
People want to be like me

But what they don’t know is when you go home
And get behind closed doors, men you hit the floor
 and what they can’t see is you’re on your knees
so the next time you hear them talking
just tell them it’s the God in me.
They think I’m so fresh, think I’m so clean,
they think I’m so sweet; it’s the God in me

What is it people see when they see you, and what do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? If you and others can see a fresh and clean Christian who is prospering in everything, then you’re on the right track. Because you can’t fellowship with God, pray study, meditate and obey His words and not look fine, fresh and clean in every area of your life. There must be always be a transformation.

 “What do you want? Name it: Nations as a present?  Continents as a prize?”
Psalm 2:8 [MSG] God blesses those who serve him without restrain.


While working in the transformed state, we must remember to constantly give glory to God. This reminds me of Obiwon’s song titled “Testify”. Giving the glory to God is giving Him the honour due Him. It always reminds us that it wasn't by our might or power but by God’s grace, so it reduces your chances of  loosing focus and due to pride.

Nevertheless, this doesn't mean we shouldn't take compliments. We should acknowledge compliments with a smile and or a thank you but we must always remember that it was God. Some even precede a compliment with the phrase, ‘It’s God’ or ‘Thanks to God’. When people probe further trying to find out how you got transformed feel free to publicly give the glory to God.

Let’s talk about a fresh and clean diva. Lyrics continues…
See this girl, they think she’s nice
they look at her whip (hair), say the whip’s tight
they look at her crib; 
they’re thinking she’s well paid,
they look at her life; 
they think she’s got it made everything she’s got,
 the girl’s been daring, She calls it a blessing 
but you call it living
When it comes to money, she can be a hero,
She writes them cheques 
with a whole lot of zeros
But what you don’t know is when she gets home
and gets behind closed doors, 
men she hits the floor and what you can’t see 
is she’s on her knees
 and if you ask her she’ll tell you,
 it’s the God in me.

Tourpaline blog

Prayer is a constant in the life of a fresh and clean diva. It is what you do behind closed door that shows who you truly are. As a Christian we need to imitate the fresh and clean life of our maker by being more like Jesus. We must plant the same seeds Jesus planted to get his kind of harvest.

And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and Spirit, blessed by both God and people. Luke 2:52 [MSG]

The last words of the song says:

They think I'm so fresh, they think I'm so clean,
They think I'm so sweet but God is my secret,
It's as a result of the time I spend praying
It's the result of my giving
As a result of my decision to change my ways
to be more like Christ
So the next time you're wondering
Just know that "IT'S THE GOD IN ME"

Who is in you? Kindly share and comment…

Love you and God bless you.


  1. This is so uplifting and inspiring. We need to be rooted in the truth of God's word in order to blossom. Also, we are nothing without Christ in us, our hope of glory. Nice one, Tosin. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, this is on point. A reminder to all of us to remain connected to God. Thanks dear.

  3. Very inspiring, refreshing and true. Thanks Tourpaline, God Bless U

    1. Amen. You're most welcome. Thank you Tolu.
